Monday, February 13, 2017



The family is an integral part of the society, every born human being belongs to one family or another at one time or the other, no one is isolated in this world, “excluding Adam and Eve” who came directly from God through creation. As you try to teach a child about the family tree of the computer system, it would be very important to know that every family has a member or various members in the family. Each family makes up a community where people live together and interact. That is why I am considering this in the world of computing.

Lets take a family of the computer called Input family. The input family is known as input device, others may call it input unit, some other people may easily refer to it as input machine. Which ever name you are free or familiar with call it, ‘trust me’ it is always ready to perform its function as a member of the input family.

The responsibility of the input family is premised on creating an area where you (the computer user) can send various things into the computer system to create a sensible information.

There are various members of the input family, they are known by how they function. I love to start with the most ‘prominent one’ because as long as the computer operation is concern no other device can perform its activity and it is one of the main parts of the computer system, if it is absent the computer operation will not proceed further, it is no other than keyboard! You’re welcome Mr. Keyboard!

As earlier narrated the keyboard is prominent because without it being present in the computer connection, the computer will not function. (you can read more in the previous blog! WHAT IS A COMPUTER TO A CHILD? And HOW TO TEACH A COMPUTER PARTS!)

The basic function of the keyboard is that it is use for typing. You can use it to type numbers : 1, 20, 300, 4000..., You also type letters: A, B, C, D... Create words, sentences, complex paragraph.... You can also type symbols to enhance your numbers and letters : !@#$%^&* ...  You can also have the opportunity to combine the forms together to create a logical meaning with what you type.

Apart from the typing tasks and responsibilities the keyboard helps the computer user to give commands to the computer system through the use of special keys like the function keys, when you need help in an interface, press the key F1! Then help will come running. You can use the keyboard to move around the computer environment; this task is carried out by the moving keys, which is also referred to as Navigation keys. Example are Home keys, End keys, PageUp keys... There are other special effects activities carried out by the keyboard, this can be referred to as the shortcut activities. Where an activity that would require opening various dialogue boxes and window can be done, by just pressing combined keys to give a command. For example to save a document or file, simply press ‘control key’ and keypad ‘S’ together at once... (Control + S)

When the operation of the keyboard is properly mastered it would give the computer user the opportunity to extensively use the computer system, without relying any other member of the input family.

However no matter the amount of the professionalism you may have in the use of the keyboard, there are certain things it cannot do for you in the course of operating the computer system, that is the reason you need another member of the input family called the computer mouse.

The computer mouse as member of the input family functions as a clicking component this member of the input family has been designed to spot item (icon), with pressing capabilities on the item (icon) through a button on the computer mouse; its work is done!

The computer mouse as a member of the input family can perform numerous task apart from clicking, some include the following:

You can use it to drag icon(s) from one position to the other.

You can use it to highlight or select texts, files, folders, images or anything that has properties.

You can use it to find out more about the files, folders or any item, when you display it properties.

When you attain the mastery of the computer mouse, you will discover it has two sides: the right and the left side, which can perform various functions. The left side of the computer mouse allows for highlighting, selecting, clicking and dragging of items. While the right side of the computer mouse allows for right-clicking of items to display the properties of selected files, folders...

There is another aspect of the computer mouse now with new innovation of the computer mouse; the scroll lock, this is responsible for easy moving up and down of the window or page you are presently working on.

The utility of the computer mouse can overlap with the functionality of the computer keyboard; can you remember certain roles played by members of the family, where a particular member develops an inability to perform certain thing, because the other member can, he/she does it like it should have been done by the wounded member. When certain keys on the keyboard refuse to work, because they are bad, then the on-screen keyboard is activated and controlled through the help of the computer mouse. On the other hand too the computer keyboard can help perform some task perform by the computer mouse, when it is not connected to the computer system or it is bad.

The input family has extended family members, like the scanner, whose ability comes to play, when the computer user is faced with certain item(s) that cannot be typed or checked into the computer, then the scanner send such information into the computer system through the process of scanning.

The list is endless, there are other members as well that can enhance the operation of the computer system.

Watch out for the next blog! The other outstanding family tree in the computer system.

Main while let your child or you have a go at this ICT Quizzes!

Suitable for kids Ages 5-7, Year 1-3 and KS1

ICT Quizzes
1. The computer Keyboard is the part of the computer use for _______
A. Typing
B. Scanning
C. Printing

2. Can the Keyboard perform activities done by the computer Mouse?

3. An input device is use for _______
A. Displaying Information
B. Sending Data into PC
C. Shunning Information

4. ____ is not an input device    
A. Scanner
B. Printer
C. Light Pen

5. The input device using for clicking is _____
A. Scanner
B. Mouse
C. Microphone

6. Magnetic Ink ________    
A. Red
B. Road
C. Reader

7. Bar ______ Reader            
A. Cold
B. Cool

___ is used in the supermarket and mall
Bar Code Reader
Bad Code Reader
Bull Code Reader

___ is used to verify cheques
Manner Ink Reader
Magnetic Ink Reader
Mile Ink Reader

___ is used to mark examination script
Optical Character Reader
Open Character Reader
OK Character Reader

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