Friday, March 15, 2019


7-Inch-Laptop-NotebookStarting from known to the unknown, the mouth as part of the body play a great role.There is a particular part of the computer that function exactly like the mouth. That part is the keyboard! The keyboard is one of the third main parts of the computer. It is usually called the MOUTH of the computer because of how its work.

Computer-Keyboard-LHX-K820-Image result for AbacusLike every human being with mouth, for eating, the mouth of the computer is the keyboard. The KEYBOARD has many keys usually arranged on its flat board. The word KEYBOARD is the combination of two words; they are “KEY” and “BOARD”, If “1 + 1 = 2” Also keyboard can be shown as

Image result for typewriter
When you look at home there is a device that the computer keyboard looks like, the ABACUS or TYPE WRITER! Though they look alike but they cannot perform work the same way. The computer keyboard can do more than a single thing, while the ABACUS or TYPE WRITER can do only one thing. Although the keyboard looks like a typewriter, its work is more than what the typewriter can do, the typewriter can only carry out a single work, but it (the keyboard) can perform more than a single work.

The computer keyboard is very useful to send data into the computer. These datacould be in form of NumbersAlphabets, and Symbols. Because keyslike: Numerical keys, alphabetical keys, special keys, function keys are arranged on it.
It is a KEYBOARD because it is not connected already to the computer system. When it is alone it cannot perform it work, because whatever is being done on the keyboard would not be seen. But when the keyboard is connected to other parts of the computer system, it can no longebe called a keyboard, because it is not working alone, but with others computer part as one.

The work of the keyboard is basically used for Typing, Sending Data into the Computer and also Sending Signals into the Computer System, it can also be used to Control all other activities that go on in the Computer System Environment. Beyond what has been mentioned before, the Keyboard when connected to the computer system it can help us do the following: 
·     For playing computer games
·     For drawing object or anything
·     Used as a computer mouse
·     Used as shortcut commands

1. The Computeris made of _________ parts        (a) Two     (b) Five   (c) Three
2. ________ looks like a Typewriter        (a) Monitor        (b) Keyboard     (c) Mouse
3. KEY   +   ______ is keyboard              (a) Bud              (b) Bode            (c) Board 
4.____ is one of the computer main parts  (a) Keyboard     (b) Floppy Diskette (c) AC
5.  The keyboard is use for_______              (a) eating          (b) Displaying         (c) Typing
6. The mouthof computeris ________ part   (a) Keyboard   (b) CPU                  (c) Monitor
7. The computer keyboardlooks like _______   (a) Radio       (b) Guitar           (c) Abacus

8. The computer keyboard and ABACUScan do the same kind of work (a) NO  (b) YES 

Friday, March 8, 2019


Image result for computer's brain
The journey into the world of computing is very interesting, as we keep routing, we want to ‘take a dive’ into one aspect of the computing that is very important for the general operation of the computer system.

Image result for computer's brainTake a look into your body system, there is this part of the body that is very delicate, it coordinates the functionality of the body, I am referring to the brain! The computer system also has the brain! As we drill young minds to understand this aspect of computing, it will be ideal to run them around dialogue activities that will stir them up into self-discovery like: Can you locate where your brain is? What can your brain do for you? What can you remember what you were told by your mummy yesterday?

From the point of asking young minds to remember that the computeris made of 3 main parts? It includes:  Monitor     SYSTEM UNIT            Keyboard
Highlighting the System Unit! Calls for an attention, it is the brain of the computer system. But some other people sees the brain of the computer as the Motherboard,CPU (Central Processing Unit). But I want to take the explanation from the perspective of the System Unit. 

Young minds should be able to spot System Unit in the entire set up of the computer, one of the ways of knowing it is that, it is the part is not connected to any other parts, but all other parts of the  computer are connected to it. Guess what it does? It is used forprocessing information.

Apollo-ORANGE-NPThere is one thing to identify the brain of the computer, there is another thing to be able to describe it. The System Unit is one of the parts of the computer main part. It is also known as the brain of the computer. Like every human being with brain, the brain of the computer is the System UnitIt is called the brain of the computer because of what it can do.  

Young minds should be able to make comparison of the monitor with the system unit. When you look at home there is a device that the System Unit looks like and that is the RADIO or VIDEO MACHINE! Though they look alike but they cannot perform work the same way. The computer System Unit can do more than a single thing, while the RADIO or VIDEO MACHINE can do only one thing.The System Unit can perform more than a single work when it is connected with other computer main parts (Keyboard and Monitor).

Image result for computer's brainWhen the System Unitis alone, it cannot perform any work. Because it needs other parts (computer main parts), connected to it, so that it can function. When other parts are connected to the System Unitit is then called the computer systemRemember that other All other computer parts are connected to the System Unit only 

The System Unit is called several names: BRAIN OF THE COMPUTERMind of the computerPROCESSORSYSTEM UNIT. The system unit processes all the things (activities) that are carried out in the computer environment. 

When other parts are connected to the System Unitit can now process information. It can carry out the following activities:
·     It can accept data while typing
·     It can process DVD while we are watching it
·     It can explain commands to other computer parts
·     It can give instructions to all the computer parts

1. _________ is Main Partof the Computer
A. Protect        B. Professor                C. Processor

2. The Processoris also called _________
A. System unitB. Sister unit                C. Saint unit

3. There are__________ Button on the Processor
A. 2                 B. 5                              C. 7

4. We can Presspowered Button on the Processor when it is connectedto _________   
A. CUP             B. CSP                          C. UPS                                                

5. We can see _________ on the System Unit
A. CP Drive      B. CD Drive                  C. CA Drive

6. We can find ________ on the System Unit
A. DVD Drive   B. DDD Drive               C. DBB Drive