Monday, August 23, 2021

Teaching Young Minds Laws and Ethics in ICT

We all want our children to hit the Center Stage, Command Attention and truly be admired. This obviously would not come by accident; it will require a lot of diligence, concerted & coordinated effort to make it become a reality

Knowing that the gains of properly grooming our children will go a very long way to keep their souls & bodies together, as well as help them work and walk in harmony with other people they come in contact with. 

Furthermore, helping them make a huge success of every presentable endeavor that comes their way.

However, there is a ladder that can get them to this feat. It is simply Raising the Awareness of these Young Minds to the Presence, Significance and Consequence of Laws and Ethics in the ways things are done in the society we live in as well as the world of Technology.

There are so many reasons Laws are made, basically it is to maintain Decorum & Appropriateness in the society. With well over 7 Billion people in this world, greater number of people are trouping to the Global Village, ‘to have a say and be heard’ Young Minds needed be exposed to the right ethics of relating and give adherence to the Laws Binding them, so that there can be coexisting without friction with people. 

Teaching Young Minds Laws & Ethics is Laudable, since Laws abounds everywhere, would boast their confidence and freedom to relate at any level. Yet, when Laws are broken, then the punishment would follow, Ethics on the other hand can take them further in life!

Have a great time exposing young minds to the Laws and ethics of the world of Technology.

Monday, August 16, 2021

Kids and Digital Language

When a child is born such kid inherits the kind of dialect Prevalent in the society, as well as other mannerism constantly used there. The youngster would start Learning and Getting used to the kind of Parlance used in the environment. 

In this contemporary time there is a Universal Language that everyone in this Generation must understand and be able to fluently express themselves in, so that progress can be made in whatever is being done. It is simply the Digital Language!

The Digital Language is a must for everyone to speak, just as there is a requirement to admit a student into any particular institution for such learner to further His or Her education. There are basic mastery such student must show in order to be Issued Admission. Also in this Age we are living in, to survive everyone must understand the Language that is generally spoken. The Digital Language, is the spoken language in this 21st century.

Every Young Mind therefore is born to be able to make improvement in life, advancing from one stage to the other. Making Consistent Development in this Age of Digital Revolution is very necessary, because in this Information Age, Information is everywhere, it must be expressed, it must be conveyed; it requires a medium to move around in. It is all about speaking a Single Language! Digitization!

This awakens everyone to start Teaching Young Minds that Language so that they could be force to Reckon with in the future, where information is so dynamic requiring originality in every sense of it.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Time To Build


             There are period in the existence of human that people are expected to do things without Wasting Valuable Resources as well as maximizing, the Right Intention to do things at the Right Time, in order to get probable results. The expression “Make Hay While the Sun Shines” is used! This is simply because; there is going to come a time when it would be very difficult or an Impossible Task, to want to ‘make the Hay’. At this point the Windows of Opportunity is slim and narrow to conveniently perform the needed task. This evidently becomes detrimental to them as well as the chain of people depending on them. 

In this Age of Digital Revolution, we should not leave things to chance, 'as so many people comfortably do'. It is time to start nurturing the Technological Giant in our Young Minds. They are at a stage where their minds can learn things very fast. They have not been Greeted and Engaged with the responsibility of catering for the whole family yet.

This is the time to build them up, let them become grounded in the Basic concept of computing, start exposing them to Rudimentary part of Programming, get them introduced to Economic and Enterprising Notion… The earlier they are aware to this the more focused they get as they grow! Remember this is the time to Build Young Minds!

Good luck as you build well.